Premium Subscription

Every day passes, we see thousands of consumers facing issues and we would like to help all of them.

With the limited resources with which we operate, we would like to help as many consumers as possible. To make sure that we are helping genuine consumers on priority we would like to charge a nominal amount for the services which need time and effort from the BBR team.

This is one of the ways, you can support the community growth, as the community of premium subscribers grow we will be able to help more and more people by increasing the team with which we operate.

1. BBR Premium Repost Service:

    ✅ Get your issue re-posted on BBR’s social media handles. (X, Linkedin, Telegram, BBR Website)
    ✅ Priority Retweets: When you fill the request form, your tweets get top priority when tagged BBR.

    How to get a premium BBR Service:

    Just follow the below steps:

        1. Premium service for re-post cost is Rs.199 per post
        2. Make the payment: CLICK TO PAY
        3. Complete the payment and fill the form: BBR Repost Request
        4. Once you fill the form, your post will be reposted. If you see a delay more than 24 hrs, please DM us on X(Twitter).


      2. BBR “Tweet Of The Day”:

      If you want to highlight your post as “Tweet Of The Day” on our social media platforms, then you can take this service.

      How to get a premium BBR Service:

      Just follow the below steps:

      Disclaimer: We do not take any guarantees for the resolution of any issues amplified through BBR platform.




      Q1: Can all posts qualify for reposting?

      Ans: All consumer issues, yes. Please make sure the post has the professional language and no abuse words. We will check the post content, if it does not adhere to basic professional language, then we may decline the request.

      Q2: If I have 2 or more posts, what I should do?

      Ans: We recommend to post less so that it is not considered SPAM by brands. In few days you can again post. Please not for every repost request, you need to complete the above steps with payments and form filled.

      Q.4: What happens when I request for “Tweet Of The Day” service?

      Ans: This service we create a post as “Tweet Of The Day” on top of your post with issue. In this post we add some of the relevant handles and ask brand to solve the issue faster. This post is shared on all social media handles of BBR. There are chances that your issue get more visibility on this post. Please note, there are no guarantee that issue will be resolved. An example of “Tweet Of The Day” you can see this post

      Q.3: I have more questions, what should I do?

      Ans: Contact us in DM on X.

      3 thoughts on “Premium Subscription”

      1. When you go to a psychiatrist they do not mention the sexual and urine retention side effects. If those side effects happen they blame those side effects on mental illness, infection etc. Legally they need to provide informed consent to patients but they don’t follow the law. Many people all over the global suicide due to this side effects. If someone tries to speak about those side effects his life is gonna ruin due to the humiliation of society by labeling mental illness and sexual problems.

        Many people suffer from this condition for up to 20 years but still do not have the proper solution.

        Please help us to raise the voice against them.

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